Do one better and actually look up plane tickets and hotel rooms. Don't just daydream about getting away from it all. Get your endorphins flowing by taking it back to childhood.
We're not afraid to admit it, romantic comedies have stolen our hearts. It'll take your mind off boredom, and completing a big puzzle feels great. When you've got lots of time on your hands, get your hands busy. Introduce the kids to a classic like Chutes and Ladders or Monopoly, or try a newer one like Settlers of Catan that you can all figure out together. Turn off the TV and challenge the family to a board game. Don't get intimidated - there are plenty of online tutorials to give you a hand. Go solo, or turn it into a fun family activity if everyone's just laying around. If you find yourself continuously drawn to a specific subject like Impressionism or the animals of Amazon rainforest, set up a queue of documentaries, articles or books on the topic. Or a play - anything that's out of your comfort zone.
If you don't know how, this is the perfect time to learn how to pluck out your favorite tune on the piano or guitar.